These classes cannot be classified under one category as they contribute to so multiple aspects of our life.
If you choose to go on the adventure, they act as an invitation for greater possibilities.
These classes get created based on your request.
Look through the medley and select the ones that stand out for you and
we will create it for you.
4 Tools to Find your Happy
Are you stuck in a place in your life where happiness seems impossible? Or maybe you would just like a little more joy to show up?
Welcome to this class with 4 easy tools to create happiness as your daily reality!
If you make the choice for happiness and play with the 4 tools introduced in this class to get unstuck, the problems in your life will start to dissipate and change. The better relationships, happier body, joy and money will follow!
What is it you can choose today that will bring you happiness right away?
A Taste of Living Out of the Box
A lot of us don't realize, that what we create our lives as, is actually upto us. You tend to look to other people, hoping, somebody else has an answer that you don't have, but you are the only one who knows what you need to know for a greater and happier life.
Unfortunately, while growing up, you were taught to be content. You are conditioned to ask for less and to be satisfied with as little as possible. What if that's been your great undoing? What if rather than being satisfied with as little as possible, you could ask questions an create your life.
In every aspect of your life, rather than settling for something that makes you unhappy, that makes you sad, that makes you feel poor, that makes you insecure, that makes your life not work, you could ask - How can we change this? What can we do to have this actually get greater and better?
This class is an invitation to expand your awareness beyond the BOX in which you have been living and create a life that truly works for you.
BE the Magic you are!
Contrary to what a lot of people think, magic is not about controlling or
forecasting natural events. It’s not about getting everything you want when you want it, and it’s not about spells, rituals and tricks.
Magic occurs in your life when you are truly present in every moment of your life and choose to create from that space.
This class will open up spaces and enable you to reach within yourself for your life to change dynamically. Let the Magic begin!
Creating & Living Life without Distraction
What is a distraction? Where does it originate - externally or inside your head? What causes you to live inside your head instead of living in the moment fully present?
This call explores the possibility of eliminating the distractions from your life and improving the quality of your life immediately.
Ten Keys to unlock your Life
The Ten Keys are a way of living that will help you expand your capacity for consciousness so that you can have greater awareness about yourself, your life, this reality and beyond. With greater awareness you can begin creating the life you’ve always known was possible but haven’t yet achieved. If you will actually do and be these things, you will get free in every aspect of your life.
This class will touch upon the keys and provide you a taster of what your life can be when you are truly Free.
Stepping into BE-ing YOU
What does it really mean to BE YOU?
Being You is to make the transition from running your life on autopilot – into becoming fully alive and totally present as the infinite being you truly BE.
Being you isn’t about getting you right. It’s about being the ENERGY of you, whatever that may be in any situation. When you start being you, you stop being the effect of the world around you. You’re in the control seat and you know any situation can be changed.
These classes are designed to help you discover who you truly BE and how you can continue to live your life nurturing your true potential and capacities.
1 call : 2 - 3 hours
Online or In-person - Both options available
Call Recordings will be provided
1 Day: 6 hours
Online or In-person - Both options available
Call Recordings will be provided
2.5 Days : 12 hours
Online or In-person - Both options available
Call Recordings will be provided
Support calls will be available post class.
Magic of Creation...More Money, More Time, More Joy
Would like your life, your work, or your business to create something entirely different for yourself and for the planet?
Business or work - whatever you call it - is a huge force in the way we shape our lives. Every day when you wake up, you have the choice to create your life, or let it be created by the projections of this reality. If you are stuck in a comfortable or conventional way of doing business or living your life that feels limited – it doesn’t have to be that way!
What if your life, living, work and business could be creative and joyful?
Welcome to a class full of questions and tools created for you to give you a totally different perspective on creating your life and your business.
Imagine what you would do if you knew you couldn’t fail ... What if it isn’t possible to fail or do something that was wrong? What if sometimes you just end up with something that didn’t look like you expected?
Let’s dive into creating your life and your business – not according to plan, but by asking questions, finding out what works for you, and choosing what is joyful and fun!
Being a True Gentleman or a Lady
What does it truly mean to be a Lady or a Gentleman?
Unfortunately, the definitions associated with these two words are fraught with incorrect interpretations of cultural beliefs.
This call will explore the meaning to be a Lady or a Gentleman, beyond the stereotypes of this reality, and enable you to create greater relationships both in your personal life as well as in the professional world.