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Money Education ||The Love-Hate Relationship with Money

Writer's picture: Tina ChakrabartiTina Chakrabarti

Updated: Dec 25, 2024

6th February 2024

The Love-Hate Relationship with Money - Money Education
The Love-Hate Relationship with Money

Just like every other relationship in my life, my relationship with Money has evolved over time.

The journey of this evolution has been nothing but, interesting.

No, this is not one of those rags-to-riches stories that Multimillionaires write in magazines to inspire the world when they have salt and pepper hair.

My hair is very much Black.

I am not a Multimillionaire (yet).

I have no intention of inspiring anybody.

This is some Money Education that I have picked along the way and it's my pleasure to share some of my perspective in this blog episode. Maybe you will benefit from it or at the least, have some fun reading it. :)

We receive Zero Money Education while growing up. We pickup what we see around us, from parents, family, society and try to apply these practices and hope for a miracle. In most cases, we are disappointed.

If you ask any random stranger,

"Do you love Money?", the answer you will get is, "Of Course I do! Why wouldn't I? Are you giving out any?"

Everybody claims to love money but how do people really treat money?

The moment money shows up, they get rid of it.

Not a minute of acknowledgement, just spend it all.

How? Bills... Mortgage... Shopping... Rent... Parties... Drinks... Drugs

Back to square one.

This is the financial reality of most people. Some people are better than others and they save some.

Money is that lover that never stays...

Is the topic of Money Joyful? For most people, it is not!

In fact, if you mention Money and Joy in the same breath, people will write you off as Crazy.

Money conversations are - serious, stressful and definitely not joyful.

Often people treat Money as a limiting factor for what they can have.

All of us have this huge list of things we would like to do; things we would like to have; dreams we would like to fulfill,

When there isn't enough, Money becomes the Monster, the Villain, the Kill-joy! You hate it!

The idea of trusting yourself to create and generate the Money for what you require or desire is alien to most people. If Money is the pre-requisite for all your choices;

Who is the Source of Creation? Who has Power over you? Is Money more powerful than you?

You are the Source of Creation; Nothing has power over you!

It's time to flip the mindset...

Money is not a Limitation; Money is an Enabler, an Ally, a Friend.

The truth that many people ignore is... Money Follows Joy... but Joy does not necessarily follow Money. You can have all the money in the world and still be miserable.

Stop selling yourself the lie, that, once you have the money, everything will be ok.

With every choice you make, you are creating your Money Reality.
If you make a demand of yourself for a bigger, better, greater Money Reality,.. you will have to step-up, you will need to have a bigger ask.
When you commit to creating a greater Money Reality, when you dare to ask BIG, you will see how money starts showing up in the weirdest ways.

What does committing to create your Money Reality mean?

It means you need to make conscious choices with money.

Begin with the following:

  1. Destroy your definitions of Money - It extends beyond Currency, Digital Money, Bank accounts... Money is all around you, you can monetize anything and everything

  2. Use Money to make Money - Before every choice ask, Will this make me more Money?

  3. Have Fun creating Money - Don't torture yourself, include yourself in the Joy

  4. Master the Art of having Money - Not for spending, or for using, or for hoarding... just having Money with no purpose

  5. Honor and celebrate your Brilliance - Keep 10% of everything you create

  6. Stop comparing yourself; Stop imitating other - What works for others will not necessarily work for you? Choose your Path

  7. Be willing to do whatever is required to have whatever you desire

  8. Pull out all the stops - get out of your comfort zone

  9. Stop living inside your head - get over the eternal debate of Good/Bad; Right/Wrong

  10. Destroy your definitions of "I can't", "Greedy" and "This is Enough"

  11. Live in the Question. Always ask questions like:

  • What Talents do I have that I have never explored before?

  • Whom do I need to talk to and partner with?

  • Whom can I ask for help?

  • What do I need to Learn or Unlearn?

  • What do I need to add, what do I need to remove, what do I need to change?

  • What else is possible for monetization that I have never considered before?

Will this be easy? Of course not!

If you choose to go on this journey... if you are willing to change your Money Reality, I can guarantee that things can and will change.

You will discover the joyful synergies you can have with Money instead of the conflictual Love-Hate relationship you had for a lifetime!

All you require, is to make the Choice and Commit to it.

If you would like to learn more, you can visit the catalogue of the Money Programs and choose the program that resonates with you the most. In addition to the above pointers, I can provide Tools and Techniques for ease in transforming your Money Reality. You will receive personalized help and support to break the beliefs, limitations and other imposed barriers that hold you back.

You can also choose to register for the latest Money programs by visiting the Registration page for "Season of Money Wealth and Abundance".

If you have any questions / clarifications, feel free to Contact me.

I hope this episode has been a contribution.


With Happiness,

Tina Chakrabarti

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